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Robotics in AAL & Healthcare (Austria + Italy)

Autorenbild: Alexander NumrichAlexander Numrich

Aktualisiert: 11. Juli 2023

The Platform AAL Austria, GMAR and MELITTAKLINIK are cordially inviting you to a joint event. The focus of this conference is on bringing together experts from Austria and Italy.

Robotics in AAL & Healthcare

Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Time: 09:00 - 18:00

Where: Laura - Conti - Strasse, 2A, 39100 Bolzano Autonome Provinz Bozen

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Alexander Pogany, BMK

Julius Michael Waldner, Melittaklinik

Alexander Numrich, GMAR


Fraunhofer Italia Research s.c.a.r.l.

A.- Volta - Str., 13 a, 39100 Bolzano Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, Italy

Robotics: from manufacturing to multi-purpose social health assistance

  • 09:10 - 09:30am

    • Advanced Robotics, AI and its applications are one of the major research topics addressed by the Fraunhofer Italia Research, the Italian independent headquarter of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, with years of experience in both industrial and public funded projects. Together with Melittaklinik, among the leaders in South-Tyrol in rehabilitation and medical assistance, the institutes are leveraging their respective expertise to bring together robotics and medical care. The presentation will cover the beginning of this journey.

    • Isabella Soraruf & Marco Todescato:


Melitta Klinik

Laura - Conti - Strasse, 2A, 39100 Bolzano Autonome Provinz Bozen, Italy

Project REOMES

  • 09:35- 09:55am

    • Project REOMES, a case study for automation in a clinical environment (Waldner J.M., Stübler G., Bauer H.). In Project Reomes Melittaklinik (Bolzano, IT) has partnered with Profactor (Steyr, AT), to develop a case study device to automate the evaluation tests of patient gait capabilities in a clinical environment. The resulting prototype allows for a standardization and automation of personnel intensive tasks of daily routine activities of clinical praxis, generating a secondary benefit of directly generating the data for the electronic patient record. Thus a usually labor intensive procedure is decoupled from a subjective evaluation and generates automated results, making the use of the robot more efficient and effective for the clinic.

Julius Michael Waldner


24sens GmbH

Millennium Park15

6890 Lustenau | Austria

The revolution in heart sensor technology

  • 10:00- 10:20am

    • Atrial fibrillation and other diseases of the heart are affecting an ever-increasing number of people - with age being one of the biggest risk factors, along with other influences. Continuous recording of cardiac activity allows physicians to make a diagnosis regardless of when symptoms occur. This is not possible with a conventional ECG examination or by taking short-term recording using mobile devices. The need for a mobile device that is also comfortable for patients to wear with its textile sensor technology is very high from a physician's point of view."

Günter Grabher



Viktor Kaplan-Straße 2/1, 2700

Wiener Neustadt | Austria

Overview of Medical Robotics @ ACMIT

  • 10:25-10:45am

    1. ACMIT is a non-profit Research and Development Centre with the mission to drive innovation in medical technology – from idea to clinical use. Starting in the field of Interventional Radiology we developed a medical robot system to assist during minimally invasive clinical interventions to perform tumor biopsies or directly ablate tumors. Later we adopted the system to support neurosurgical tumor biopsy and depth electrode surgeries starting with phantom and cadaver trials, carrying out a clinical study with almost 200 patients and supporting FDA and CE certification of the developed medical robot that is now used worldwide. In a different project we were able to apply our experience in minimally invasive needle-based procedures in a close cooperation with the Forensic Institute in Zurich to develop the Virtobot system. This system carries out 3D scanning of the corpse as well as fully automatic retrieval of tissue and liquid sample to allow for a minimally invasive autopsy. Additionally, projects in the field of neurorehabilitation and anatomical 3D-scanning will be presented.

Wolfgang Ptacek




MCI Management Center Innsbruck

Internationale Hochschule GmbH

Universitätsstraße 15

6020 Innsbruck | Austria

Empowering Lives through Robotics: Enhancing Rehabilitation, and Assisting the Elderly

  • 11:15 - 11:35am

    1. This talk aims to explore the transformative potential of robotics in improving various aspects of human life. We delve into the world of rehabilitation robotics, where cutting-edge technologies assist patients in recovering their sensory and motor function, thereby enabling them to regain their independence. Additionally, we will examine the realm of assistive robotics for the elderly, highlighting how these advanced machines are designed to provide support and companionship, ultimately improving the quality of life for senior citizens. Lastly, we will discuss the current challenges faced in the field of rehabilitation and assistive technology, while also emphasizing the tremendous potential for future advancements.

Yeongmi Kim


Melitta Klinik

Laura - Conti - Straße, 2A, 39100 Bolzano Autonome Provinz Bozen, Italy

New frontiers for robotic systems aiding rehabilitation process

  • 11:40- 12:00

    • Melittaklinik in the past 15 years has developed and used most of the common devices developed for rehabilitation. Many solutions are technically very impressive, but fail in the daily use for the complexity of handling for the operating personnel. Melittaklinik has thus started a development project in collaboration with FH Kärnten and Profactor Gmbh for a new generation of rehabilitation devices, that benefit the therapy efficacy, but also automated with algorithms that allow for a therapy at the limit of the patients possibilities without a continuous interaction with the operator, reducing furthermore the workload on the rehabilitation staff.

Andreas Waldner



Lunch Break


Joanneum Research

Steyrergasse 17

8010 Graz | Austria

Social robots in care – are they ready for daily use?

  • 13:30 - 13:50pm

    • Robots in industry and production have become indispensable. Slowly, robots in the form of social, humanoid robots are becoming more and more widespread, also interacting with humans. But what about these humanized machines in therapy and care? Can they keep what they promise? Answering the question from the point of view of current research results and from practical use with older people at home is of great importance. Only if the technology relieves and includes everyone involved will it be used sustainably.

Silvia Russegger

(©Bernhard Bergmann)


Fachhochschule Kärnten

Engineering & IT

Primoschgasse 10,

9020 Klagenfurt | Austria

Technologies and (tele-)therapy - tolerated or accepted?

About the potential of participatory research

  • 13:55 - 14:15pm

    • The construct of acceptance is a multi-layered field with numerous factors. What is important from design perspective and what role does participatory research play in this?. We will spotlight on two research projects in the field of teletherapy and the development of medical assistive devices and discuss how this can succeed, what are hurdles and potentials as well as results of the evaluation within a human-centered design process..

Daniela Krainer




Lunzerstraße 60, 4030

Linz | Austria

Automated material transports in public facilities

  • 14:20- 14:40pm

    • Individual items such as medications, documents, laboratory samples and instruments must be transported within the medical facilities. Manual transport often ties up limited personnel resources for such routine steps and makes them unavailable for important tasks during the time of transport. This report will introduce a new solution for an automated transportation within public facilities by using so called autonomous mobile robots (AMR)

Gregor Waizenauer


14:40 -16:30pm Visit of the Melittaklinik Facility


16:30 - 18:00pm Apéro & Networking


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© 2023 Gesellschaft für Mess-, Automatisierungs- und Robotertechnik

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